World Environment Day (WED) 2015

Every year on June 5, we honour World Environment Day to raise awareness about environmental issues and call for action. The theme of this year is sustainable lifestyles. The topic has a room for everyone because every action counts. Take a moment to question how we live and how it impacts the planet. It’s your day for a positive environmental action. Have a wonderful sustainable day!


I’m the natural universe
and your acts make me sick.

Stamping heavily on my body
with all kinds of moving wheels.

Poking into my pregnant belly
using drills to mine valued child.

Dehydrating my amniotic fluid
then heat jeweled child to death.

Ending my generous fertility
with bluntness of greedy plows.

Polluting the air I cleanse
thereby disable my offspring genes.

Obscuring my natural beauty
with grimy carpets of your spills.

I’m the air, land, water, scenery
and these are your cruelties to me.

©Gloria D. Gonsalves

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