December 12, 2017

An Igby Prize for Nonfiction essay Tanzanian Christmas When I think of the Christmas season in Tanzania, the image of the tropical flame tree comes alive. We had a flame tree in front our house, a landmark that never failed anyone giving directions to Mama Gonsalves’ house. December is the month that these trees are…

December 9, 2017

Today, Tanzanians are celebrating Independence Day (Siku ya Uhuru). I wrote a poem using anaphora, as a devotion to my country of birth. Each line is intended to read as a slogan. Tanzania is more than what you know! THAT PLACE WHERE RARITY IS Tanzania is Kitulo, where God gardens. Tanzania is Ngorongoro, where Eden…

November 16, 2017

In January 2017, Sonne Magazine approached me as a contributor to consider attending the Moving Women Empowerment Conference 2017. I was offered to select a topic area and speak. After consideration, I responded “I prefer to engage in writing than speaking. Also, I would like to assist with sponsorship.” This was the first time such…