February 17, 2016

First published by Chicamod, an online magazine committed to create 1 Million Jobs for the African youth while making Africa visible not only within Africa but also on the global stage. One day, take a random walk to a newspaper store. Observe who most buys the gossip magazines. On a boring day, buy a pack…

February 11, 2016

Sometimes after midyear 2015, I read an article about micropoems. The word was new to me and it fired up my curiousity. The sub-title read “take a Twitter poetry break…” Not being a Twitter user, I thought the writing fun would have to pass me by. So I did a quick scan of the article…

August 6, 2015

FOREVER NOT YOURS You came and left fast like Santa in a fat chimney with promised gifts of goodness. I remember your worshiping of my body like sacred petals of lily heralding me your godly foreplay. Your unsaid words showered me with deeds of heavenly award that made Venus gasp with envy. The kisses that…

August 6, 2015

In some parts of the world, getting a monthly period means you are shunned by society because it is considered dirty. In other parts of the world, a period is a celebration for having become a woman. And for others, it is a constant embarrassment and a reason not to attend school because one cannot…

July 20, 2015

Children, Auntie Glo is from Tanzania and now lives in the town of Koenigswinter, Germany. She has written three children’s books: a collection of Swahili tales, songs and facts about wild animals; a collection of diamond poems; and a story about a little boy who is taken on a visit to a secret forest by…