March 16, 2019

Haibun — It’s Complicated: Lit Up & The Writing Cooperative Contest It was late February. The sky a mirage of pristine ocean,the streams cascaded icicles, and frosty ground bestowedrare beauty on every fallen subject. There she was eatingstrawberries, as if it was the season of ice cream. the fruit is half ripewinter gave her verityof the bottom…

March 9, 2019

Grace, according to the dictionary is the quality or state of being considerate or thoughtful. It is also about loving those considered not worthy of loving. Before we love others, we have to love ourselves first. Then why is it that we demean, limit, and judge with clichéd words and phrases? Where is the grace…

February 22, 2019

This soundof life and death.I leap with joyand sink with despair.I know almost alland almost nothing.What can I door did I do?[Continue Reading…]

October 30, 2018

  When life have had its spree on a soul, weary, it goes out seeking for the meaning of existence. But the accountant will have not done all entries. The ledger will have some blanks here and there, [Continue Reading…]